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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1 of 365

{ A year ago today I would have never pictured my life to be what it is right now }
That's one of the things that I find most exciting about life.
No matter how much you plan, it's crazy, unpredictable, & magical all at once. 

2014 was a year that will always hold a special place in my heart
It held many momentous occasions including everything from winning my first drawing contest for a festival in my town, to my Senior Prom. 
    I had the opportunity to stand on a stage with the best Drama Club in the entire world celebrating our Regional One Act win. 
• A moment that I hold close to my heart & will remember for my entire life
I even turned 18 & graduated high school this year. 
Which by the way, when I received my diploma I forgot to stop to take the picture & tried to walk away.
Embarrassing myself obviously seemed to be a common trend in 2014.
Lesson learned. Stop for the picture kids. 

Though this year held many positive & unforgettable events it also came with some very trying ones. 
I was faced with many decisions that I was unsure about & lead me to be pushed very far out of my comfort zone. 
I went through the challenging process of eliminating unhealthy relationships of my life. 
& started new.

 { Someone once said }
•Whatever happened over this past year. Be thankful for where it brought you. 
Where you are is where you're meant to be

& I couldn't agree with this more.
Through all the tears & uncertainty, the decisions I have made this past year have resulted in me finally feeling like I am headed on the right path for myself.
We often go into things having a goal in mind, but when we only focus on the end game, when often miss the detour that can lead us to even better things. 

•Life is defined in moments & I am so blessed to carry each one of these moments & so many more of 2014 in my heart forever

I'm a firm believer in not setting New Year's Resolutions.
I believe that if you want to make changes in your life, why wait until a day at the end of the year to do that?
Start now.
Don't wait around.
If you want something, go out & get it for yourself.
I set goals for myself that are worked on long before a day at the end of the year where I feel like I need to make changes. 
I'm not saying I hold anything against people that choose to make resolutions, that is their decision & not mine. 
However, I choose to make my resolutions day to day instead of year to year. 

The second half of 2014 was focused completely on my journey & where I wanted to go from there. 
{ For more information check out this }
 I am very excited to say, that after a long couple of months, there are many things that are in the process of happening in 2015. 
I'm not going to share exactly what they are just yet, because like I said, they are in the process 
& there is still a long way to go. 
But achieving little goals along the way to the bigger picture, is a sense of accomplishment like you would never believe. 
Each year has been magical in it's own way, but I am ecstatic to see where 2015 takes me

{ With that being said... Here's my 10 pieces of advice for 2015 }

 • Image source: Pinterest

1.  You know all those things you've always wanted to do? Go do them. What better time than now?

2.  Stop relying on other people to provide you with happiness. You are perfectly capable of providing it for yourself.

3. Don't let the mistakes you make define you. Making mistakes means you're trying new things, whether they turn out to be a success or failure. You're pushing yourself & changing your life. If I hadn't made the mistakes that I did last year, I would never be on the path that I am today. Learn from them.

4. Be proud of yourself. At the end of the day, this is your life & your life only. Make the steps to create the life that you can be proud of & proud to be.

5. Put down your phones, computers, tablets, anything & everything, every once in a while. Open your eyes to the world that is sitting right there in front of you.

6. Define your own success. Whether it be big or small, make it completely up to you. Don't feel like you have to obtain goals that don't relate to your choice of life.

7. Don't waste your precious time on people that don't care about you. I have spent way too much of my time trying to keep relationships that only hurt me. Take that time & energy & focus it towards relationships with people that truly care.

8. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are perfectly extraordinary just the way you are.

9. Laugh often & love many. It's good for your soul.

10. Pursue your passions & dreams. If they're important enough for you to make them dreams in the first place, stop making excuses for yourself & make them a reality. 

This is your year to shine. Go out & make it extra sparkly.

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